The One With The Subway

So we braved the sweltering heat and humidity and explored the city a bit yesterday.  Somehow the people here are able to walk everywhere all day and look as cool and fresh as if it were a lovely Fall day.  Meanwhile, we look like we are on the verge of having heat stroke and then melting into a puddle right in the middle of the sidewalk.  The lady that sold us the Sim card for Andre’s phone offered him tissues repeatedly!  I think she was fascinated by how much sweat was pouring off of him.

Anyway, we all have subway cards now.  They work on subways, buses and the ferry.  They are SUPER cheap.  In Cleveland it cost me $4.50/day to get to and from work.  Here is costs about 1-2 yuan for a bus ride/subway ride…unless you get on the subway and go a long way, then it might be like 4-6 yuan.  To put that in perspective 6 yuan = $1 US!  So it costs like 20-40 cents to get somewhere!  Plus, after your 15th ride for the month, you start getting a discount for the rest of the calendar month!  Nice!  Plus we’ve learned the subway system, so we know how to exit on the correct side of the street and go the correct direction.  Sounds simple enough, I know, but it’s a good feeling to be able to get around and sorta feel like you know what you’re doing.

I’ll try to get some pictures in on my next post.  We’ve seen plenty of craziness, but I need to be more on the ball to get pictures before the moment passes.

Next on Chilling in China… Andre & Ginger go apartment hunting.